Drinking water therapy

All of us know that water is good for the body. But not many know what happens to the body if it does not receive its daily need of water. Here are interesting information about water:

• Do you know that the human body is made up of between 55 and 75 percent water? Not known to many is the fact that lean people have more water in the bodies because muscle holds more water than fat;

• Do you know that every system in our bodies depends on water and is in need of constant water replenishment;

• Do you know that lack of water in human body to carry on normal function can lead to dehydration? And do you know that there are dehydration-produced diseases which pose health risks for the young and the old. Some signs and symptoms of dehydration include excessive thirst, fatigue, headache, dry mouth, little or no urination, muscle weakness, dizziness and lightheadedness;

• Do you know that chronic and persistently increasing dehydration is the root cause of almost all currently encountered major diseases of the human body;

• Do you know that the old medical cliché that we need to drink 8-ounce glasses of water a day (about 1.9 liters) despite its popularity is not supported by scientific evidence. In fact, many nutritionists have no idea where the cliché came from. The daily fluid intake of a person varies wildly. Everyday, a person loses water through sweating, urinating and bowel movements and these fluids have to be replaced also by consuming beverages and foods that contain water. But the best beverage is water;

• Do you know that every time a person drinks from a bottle, bacteria from his mouth contaminate water in the bottle;

• Do you know that it is possible to drink too much water. Drinking excessive amounts of water can affect one’s kidney’s ability to get rid of the water;

• Do you know that there is no scientific evidence that drinking water significantly curbs appetite;

• Do you know that drinking 2 glasses upon waking up (activates your internal organs); one glass before sleeping (helps prevent heart attack or stroke at midnight); one hour before taking a bath (helps prevent fainting while bathing); and one glass of water before and after meals – do wonders for our health;

• Do you know that for measuring your water intake – alcohol, coffee, tea and caffeine containing beverages don’t count as water;

• Do you know that energy drinks are no substitute for plain water. In fact, caffeinated beverages can further dehydrate a person. Even a slightly dehydrated person may lack energy considering that just a 5% drop in body fluid will cause as much as a 30% lose of energy;

• Do you know that one of the most beneficial reasons why we should take water to sustain our body requirement is because water flushes out the toxins which cause diseases as well as other harmful substances that we expose ourselves everyday.

Yes, drinking water regularly is healthful. As someone said: “No man-made medicine in the world can heal as effectively as clean drinking water! Sometimes we get out headaches, back pain, and other soreness simply because our muscles have become as stiff as the Tin Man. Our muscles consist largely of water and as such, we must keep them hydrated. The spinal cord discs also carry water, most of which supports your upper body. In addition, joints must be lubricated. These are just some of the many ailments affected by dehydration.” Have a joyful day!