The working environment for engineering graduates is really very vast, which includes design and development of machinery, production, testing, maintenance, Information Technology etc. Placement of engineers could be in laboratories, industrial plants, construction sites, educational firms, etc in both public and private sectors.



Aeronautical/Aerospace Engineering

This branch specializes in the development of new technology for use in aviation, defence systems and space explorations. The development and research of commercial and military aircraft, missiles, space ships and related equipment are the field of work of an aeronautical engineer.

Agricultural Engineering

This involves design and production of agricultural machinery, planning, design and construction of farm buildings and associated equipment, irrigation, drainage, land resource planning and service engineering for farm machinery.

Automobile engineering

Automobile engineering deals with the design, development and maintenance of automobiles and related spare parts.

Biomedical Engineering

It is the application of engineering techniques
to medicine and biology.

Ceramic Engineering

Ceramic engineering involves the production of ceramic products like glass, semi-conductors, engine parts, fibre-optic phone lines, tiles, electric power line insulators etc.

Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineering combines the knowledge of chemistry and engineering for the production of chemicals and related products. This, branch pertains to work in pharmaceutical, food, textile, plant, fertilizer, cosmetic, detergent and oil refineries.

Computer Science/Engineering

It involves the design and construction of computers, developing computer systems and software for different types of uses in a variety of settings.

Civil Engineering

Civil engineering involves various types of small and big construction activities including building roads, air ports, tunnels, bridges, water supply and sewage systems, etc.

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

It entails design, manufacture, installation and operation of electrical equipment, systems and machinery, telecommunication systems, radio, TVs and computers.

. Industrial Engineering

Industrial engineering studies the production resources of an industry - i.e , people, materials, information, fuel, energy, etc. and ensures effective utilisation of these in the production process. The industrial engineer interferes between the management and operations sectors in order to ascertain the proper use of available industrial resources.

Instrumentation Engineering

It involves design, installation and maintenance
of instrument systems.

Marine Engineering

It involves design and installation of ship machinery
and propulsion systems.

Mechanical Engineering

It is concerned with the design, manufacture,
operation and maintenance of machinery of all kinds.

Metallurgical Engineering

Metallurgical engineering is a field that explores
the extraction and processing of metals and metal

Mining Engineering

Mining engineers find, extract and prepare metals and minerals for use by manufacturing industries. They design open-pit and underground mines, supervise the construction of mine shafts and tunnels in underground operations and devise methods for transporting minerals to processing plants.

Petroleum Engineering

Petroleum engineers explore for workable reservoirs containing oil or natural gas, the drilling for oil and work to achieve the maximum profitable recovery from the reservoir.

Textile Engineering

Textile engineering is involved in the design and development of systems to test and manufacture fibers and fiber products.